To start with, is it safer to ride a bike or walk?
Walking is less safe than riding a bike.
This holiday season, be careful on city streets, but try not to get annoyed by the crowds. They might be ensuring your safety if you’re biking or walking.
For more information on whether it is safer to walk or ride a bike, continue reading.
Table of Contents
Is Riding A Bike Dangerous?
Cycling today is probably a lot safer than you realize. Cycling should be kept to a minimum as a result of the introduction of cycle paths and pop-up bike lanes, such as those created during the coronavirus pandemic, which has given cyclists their own designated space.
The statistics support the safety of cycling as well. According to data from the National Travel Survey, a cyclist dies on the road once every nine million bike rides, and the likelihood of suffering any injuries while cycling is only 5% for every 1,000 hours spent pedaling.
Therefore, even though it may be risky, it is still worthwhile to do. In addition to the fact that cycling in your area is probably safer than it has ever been, the advantages for your physical and mental health should far outweigh your fears.
Walking Vs. Cycling: Which Is Riskier?
Interestingly, no, it isn’t.
According to government statistics, there were more pedestrians reported killed or seriously injured in traffic accidents in Britain from 2010 to 2019 than there were pedal cyclists (e.g. 2019: 3,653 pedestrians, 3,089 cyclists).

Walking Safely For Tweens And Teens
Since every child is unique, it is important to take into account their stage of development and level of maturity when determining whether it is safe for them to walk to school unaccompanied. Some kids might need to wait until they’re 10 or older to develop the focus necessary to concentrate on safe pedestrian behavior.
Observations to keep in mind for students who walk to school alone:
- A safe route to school should have trained adults serving as crossing guards at each intersection.
- Before school starts, practice safe street crossing with them if they have to cross any streets on their way to school.
- They should ideally walk alongside at least one nearby child or older sibling.
- A ride from a stranger should always be declined, and if they need help, they should know how to yell and run for it.
- Tell them that texting or using a cellphone while walking puts them at risk for distracted driving because it causes them to become less aware of oncoming traffic.
- For days when it gets darker earlier, pick out colorful backpacks, jackets, and other accessories, ideally with reflective materials.
Riding A Bike Safely For Tweens And Teens
Once kids are ready, riding a bike is a great way for them to get to and from school. Children must first learn how to safely cross the street on foot before they can safely ride bicycles.
Here Are Some Fundamental Bike Safety Measures To Follow Once They’re Prepared To Ride:
- Rules of the road. The same fundamental traffic laws that apply to skateboards, scooters, and other non-motorized vehicles also apply to cyclists:
- Use bike lanes when available and travel on the right in the same direction as the flow of traffic.
- Before crossing the street, pause and turn around.
- Whether an intersection is marked or not, you must stop at every one.
- Observe stop signs and traffic lights.
- Use hand signals and make sure you have a thorough lookaround before turning.
- Use your head. Regardless of how short or long the ride, always wear a bicycle helmet. The helmet needs to fit properly and be certified by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
- Riding ready? Younger children should not ride on the street; instead, you should ride with them. If you decide to let older kids ride in traffic, use your best judgment. Take into account the amount of traffic where they’ll be riding, their maturity level, and how well they can maintain their attention on the road and adhere to traffic regulations.
- Do some preparation beforehand. Before the start of the school year, have your child practice riding his or her bike to school to make sure they can handle it.
- See the light. The best time for kids to ride bikes is when there is plenty of daylight. To be more visible, dress in white or contrasting colors.
- Distracted riders. Remind bike riders to avoid distractions like eating while riding and to refrain from talking on their phones or sending texts.
- Bike maintenance. Teach kids how to check the brakes, the seat and handlebar height, the tire pressure, and the brakes at least once per year.
The article addressed whether biking or walking was safer.
Where there are more pedestrians and cyclists, cars are less likely to hit them. This is not to say that fewer individuals suffer injuries overall in these locations; in fact, the data suggested that a location where biking or walking both doubled would cause a third more injuries to riders or pedestrians. But the risk of injury in these same places would fall 34 percent. And the opposite is also true. Less injuries occur overall, but the likelihood of injury increases by 52% if the number of pedestrians and cyclists is cut in half.
I appreciate your reading. Please read our most recent posts for more details about whether biking or walking is safer. Have a nice day!